Heading up The Team...

Fusion Lending was born from a love of finance and technology.  The management team have strong business, finance & IT backgrounds and have been helping businesses and individuals to finance new projects and increase their turnover for many, many years

Sara Martin - Director

Sara has extensive experience in healthcare & marketing & is our Patient Finance expert.  She spent over 20 years running & managing dental practices & dental labs & has spent the last 6 years honing her marketing skills.

Sara loves being by the sea & spending time in her caravan with Darren & their dog Bruno

Darren Renton - Head of Sales

Having worked within the IT & finance sectors for the past 30 years, Darren thrives on the challenge of a complicated case.  If Darren can't place your deal, then no one can!

The 'geeky' one of the team, Darren will usually be found playing with his latest techy gadget - a laser etcher

Brent Sercombe - Director

Brent brings a huge wealth of experience having most recently been Sales Director at one of the countrys biggest dental consumables companies.

You can usually find Brent on the golf course, but if hes not there he'll likely be  walking his dogs or  travelling